
It all began here.

I played until my fingers bled. Literally. I was 14 years old, and had been playing for a mere two weeks, trying to put in 30 minutes a day practicing chords, and strumming techniques, and learning to read music. It was slow progress, but my Mom said she saw an improvement (but aren't Moms supposed to say that?) I was frustrated, and depressed that I wasn't already signing a record deal. Why, oh why, does it take so long to learn a new skill, despite the fact that I wanted it and practiced SOOO hard???!! Shouldn't my desire equal my performance? Alas, this is NOT the case. 

Guitars are among the most popular instruments for beginner learners. Compared to other

instruments, such as the violin or French horn, it is easier to become a competent guitarist without

delving deeply into music theory, which was great, because I wasn't interested in that. It is a great option both for those who are looking to learn how to play as a hobby, as well as for those hoping to pursue music as a profession.

But here's the rub: it still takes commitment, perseverance, sacrifice (giving up the social media, video games, or excessive sleeping until AFTER you practice), and gritting your teeth through the pain. Anybody can start to play, but can you push through? Can you become more disciplined? A lot of it boils down to how badly you want it. Your desire has to be greater than the pain, the frustrations, the feelings of missing out, and all the other reasons and excuses we come up with to not practice. Take a hard look at your motivation and desire. Will they get you through? Before you even choose an instrument, answer that question.

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